[about@michael]$ I am Michael - computer extraordinaire! Er, maybe not extraordinaire, but nevertheless! I have a never-ending desire to discover, learn about, and tinker with technology. As a kid, I spent many days learning all I could about computers. I read any book I could get my hands on. I watched the computer wizards I volunteered with take apart and reassemble broken PCs, spin up new servers, and help others figure out why their PC was making such an odd noise. I even bothered some poor AT&T guy while he was setting up my families first DSL connection. My bedroom turned into a spiderweb of ethernet cables connecting old, repurposed computers that had been given to me. 1 kid Active Directory? I did that. I even tried to spin up a Lotus Notes server for myself (I know, I'm sorry).

Fast forward a couple-10-15ish years, and computers are my career. Improving the lives of others through modern technology while expanding my knowledge and finding new, innovative ways to solve problems is what I strive to do. I currently focus on identity architecture and management, cloud computing, and system administration._